9:00 AM–12:00 PM Employer Brand Strategy Workshop: Using Marketing and Advertising Techniques to Attract and Retain Talent
EB isn't just for recruitment - well understood and well done, your EB also aids in the reduction of attrition and retention. Given the average cost to replace a single worker is 21% of their annual salary, failure to consider the employment brand throughout the employment lifecycle can be a costly mistake.
In this hands-on workshop, we'll explore how the Employer Value Proposition (EVP) is the often misunderstood hero that can help take your employer brand from recruiting to an engagement & retention tool. We'll look at how to create those strategies, what's included and do exercises that you can take back to bring it to life within your own organization.
Through hands-on exercises and case study-centered conversation, participants will learn how to:
- Create their EVP if they don't have one (if they do, participants should bring their EVP information with them to use in session exercises)
- Connect EVP values to company culture
- On-Trend Culture Marketing & Advertising techniques and how it can rock your talent brand
- Connect Individual Values with Company Values
- Use EVP for Retention
- Create a Retention Strategy using your employer brand/EVP
- Tie EVP into productivity and engagement (and how to measure the shift)
- Make assets that shift the Employee to the Hero (instead of your company)
- EVP culture marketing across the employment lifecycle