It's been over a year since the #MeToo movement went viral. In the first 24 hours, there were over 4.7 million people who used the hashtag on Facebook. On Twitter, there were 19 million uses of the #MeToo hashtag in the last year.  While positive things like #HowIWillChange / #HowICanChange and the "Me Too bill" came out of this movement, many companies are still struggling with how to address the important issues driving this movement. 

So what is our responsibility in this #MeToo era as protectors of the employer brands?  From reputation to culture marketing, in this session we will look at the 6 issues employer brands must address to not only safeguard the brand reputation but flourish as an employer that looks after "her too." 

In this session, we will cover: 

  • A Brief Look at "Me Too" and the workplace
  • Diversity and Inclusion Issues with #MeToo and EB
  • The Importance of Engaged Leadership
  • Harassment Policies and EB
  • Accountability to the Employer Brand
  • Training and "Her Too" Culture Marketing
  • Complaints:  Acting, Speaking & Silence